Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment

It is the process of removing tissue in the tooth cavity and root canal that is infected and inflamed, along with cleaning the root canal to make it free of germs. Then the root canal is filled and the tooth is restored to make it strong and beautiful so that it can be used normally.

cause :

Teeth that need root canal treatment are teeth that are deeply decayed and penetrate the nerve cavity. Teeth that are cracked, broken, or worn to the point of penetrating the nerve cavity and teeth that have been impacted by accidents. All of this allows germs to enter the tooth pulp and cause infection of the tissues in the tooth pulp.

Symptom :

There will be toothaches that occur on their own. The pain may come and go or be so intense that you can’t sleep and wake up due to severe toothache, sensitivity when drinking hot or cold things, feeling pain in your teeth when chewing food. Sometimes it may be found that the teeth are discolored, dark, or have swollen gums, pustules, or swelling around the face.

Method of treatment :

Treatment steps begin by inserting anesthetic. Put on a waterproof rubber sheet. The tooth is then ground to open the entrance to the nerve cavity. Remove infected tissue with a small tool and clean the root canal with a solution that has a disinfectant effect. Then put disinfectant in the root canal, when a tooth has symptoms, a root canal is usually filled to close the space, so that germs cannot come back and take up residence again. It usually takes about 2-3 treatments, depending on the difficulty and the infection condition of each tooth. In some cases this may be possible.

**One visit depends on the discretion of the dentist. After that, the tooth will be restored to normal use.

Instructions during treatment :

After treatment, you may experience some pain for the first 1-3 days, you can take painkillers to relieve symptoms. If the symptoms do not improve or the pain worsens you must come back to see the dentist. And you should not use your teeth to bite or chew hard food if the teeth have not yet been restored to their strength. It may cause the tooth to crack or break.

How long will treated teeth last :

Teeth that have had root canal treatment and tooth restoration completed can be with us for as long as normal teeth. It depends on each person’s dental and oral health care.

Will the treated tooth hurt again :

If all causes and germs can be eliminated and the tooth restoration was done well and did not leak. Combined with good dental cleaning, there is no additional decay. There is no pain coming back again.

Maintenance :

Can be taken care of like normal teeth by brushing your teeth and using dental floss and regularly visit the dentist for a dental check-up at least 2 times a year.

ESSE Dental Clinic receiving treatment for root canal treatment cases. Both normal cases and complex cases.
By a specialized dentist in root canal treatment. Patients can therefore be confident in the treatment results.