

Orthodontics  is a branch of dentistry that diagnoses, prevents, and treats abnormal alignment of teeth, bite problems including jaws problems. Orthodontics is a treatment to improve the bite for the effectiveness of chewing food and reduce the risk of tooth decay or gum disease that is caused by not cleaning the teeth and gums thoroughly in areas where the teeth are abnormally aligned.

Clear Aligners

Clear Aligner uses software calculation principles and AI technology to mold a plastic and use the force from plastic to push and move the teeth. In some cases, there may be a button called an attachment, placed on the tooth to help with tooth movement. This requires wearing braces for 20-22 hours per day. In order for the orthodontic appliances to work effectively and according to the treatment plan with the increasing popularity of clear braces. As a result, there are many brands of clear braces, each brand has different features, prices, and services. At Esse Dental Clinic, we carry the most popular brands of clear aligners. There are 3 brands for you to choose from :

  1. Invisalign
  2. Dr.Clear
  3. BeforeDent

How to choose the right brand for yourself

Dentist – No matter what brand of clear braces you choose. The dentist will consult and talk to throughout the treatment, at least for 6 months or until the treatment is finished. You should choose a dentist who received specific training in clear orthodontics so you can point out the expected results from treatment. Because in clear braces, there are many equipment and tools that have unique characteristics and require expertise in treatment.

Difficulty in orthodontic treatment – If you have crowded teeth, crooked teeth in many places. You should choose clear braces that can handle difficult cases. Each brand of clear braces is different. Some brands can only provide braces for easy to moderate cases.

The price – depends mainly on the brand. If it is a popular and famous brand, that will take a high price because it’s more reliable and experienced with various cases, but if the patient’s dental condition is a simple, uncomplicated case, they can choose a brand that is not widely known. Can be cheaper. As long as you can get your teeth straightened correctly, it can be considered effective

Post-orthodontic service – is very important. Because you will have to stay with that dental clinic until your treatment is finished. If you have questions, problems, or have damaged equipment, it is necessary to see what after-sales services are available in order for you to follow the treatment plan

Location and hours of operation – Choose a clinic that is easy to go and match with your schedule.

Transparency and smoothness to the teeth Makes you smile or talk confidentlyIt has a relatively high cost. Compared to braces with appliances
Easy to clean Because not having braces will cause less food particles to get stuck.Patients must have discipline in wearing clear braces.
About 20-22 hours per day
Reduce irritation to the oral tissues because you do not have to endure braces stabbing your mouth.Because the tool is clear and must be removed before eating or cleaning teeth It may cause the patient to lose it.
Reduce time spent at the dentist Suitable for people who don't have time. or travel frequently
Eating a variety of convenient meals without having to worry about the iron falling off while eating.
More than 80% of patients do not need to have their teeth extracted. This is because clear braces use a different tooth movement system than wire braces.

Source: Faculty of Dentistry Chulalongkorn University


Clear braces details



Metal braces

Metal braces are orthodontics with tools attached to the surface of the teeth. Works with wires that help move teeth. And there are small colored rubber bands to hold the wire in place. The dentist will gently move the wire to bring your teeth into alignment.

Divided into 3 main parts :

Brackets are small metal pieces that are attached to the outer surface of the tooth. Most often produced from stainless steel. The bracket has a groove for attaching the wire in the middle and at the top and bottom there are small wings for tying the rubber.

Archwires, mostly made from nickel and titanium, serve to string the brackets together. The wire is the one that creates the force to move the teeth. Pull the teeth to move to the point specified according to the treatment plan.

Ligatures or what many people call “rubbers”, but in reality, the max that is used is this ligature. There are rubber, wire or metal hinges which hold the wire with the bracket. The most popular fastener material is “rubber” because in addition to providing a tight hold or fastener, It’s also inexpensive. Can change the colors as you want.

In addition to these 3 main components, some people may require additional equipment such as tooth retractors, chains, orthodontic pins, springs, plates, turbo bites, etc., depending on each person’s oral problems.

Metal braces procedure
Consult with a dentist to see details of the teeth And prepare yourself for planning your treatment.

  1. The dentist takes dental X-rays and oral scans to collect information before starting treatment.
  2. Solve various problems, prepare your oral health for orthodontic treatment.
  3. Dentist installs braces according to treatment plan
  4. Patient sees the dentist to follow up on orthodontic results. Adjust the appliance so that the teeth move according to plan.
  5. Patient sees the dentist to follow up on orthodontic results. Adjust the appliance so that the teeth move according to plan.
  6. The dentist gave the patient a retainer to wear after braces were completed. To prevent tooth falling.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces are the same type as regular metal braces. The only difference is that the material of the braces attached to the surface of the teeth (Bracket) uses tooth-colored ceramic material and uses a clear rubber band for braces to emphasize the issue of camouflaging the device, making it difficult to notice that braces are on.

In addition to these 3 main components, some people may require additional equipment such as tooth retractors, chains, orthodontic pins, springs, plates, turbo bites, etc., depending on each person’s oral problems.

Metal braces procedure
Consult with a dentist to see details of the mouth and teeth And prepare yourself for planning your braces. There will be steps at the clinic as follows:

  1. The dentist takes dental X-rays and oral scans to collect information before starting treatment.
  2. Clear the mouth, solve various problems, prepare your oral health for orthodontic treatment.
  3. Dentist installs braces according to treatment plan Patient sees
  4. dentist To follow up on orthodontic results Adjust the appliance so that the teeth move according to plan
  5. Once the braces are in place as planned The dentist removes the patient’s braces.
  6. The dentist gave the patient a retainer to wear after braces were completed.
ceramic braces It is as clear as possible to the color of your teeth.The cost is higher than traditional metal braces.
Suitable for those who want to straighten their teeth. But I don't want people to notice clearly.The material is brittle and breaks more easily compared to metal.
The braces are attached to the outside, making maintenance easy.
No irritation for those allergic to metal braces.
Durable orthodontic material, not easy to fall off, lightweight.
Less food particles stuck to the teeth than with metal braces.
There is no disturbing tooth sensitivity.

if you want to have clear braces that are similar to the color of your teeth to the point where you can’t tell you’re getting braces. There are also ceramic braces and Invisalign braces that are widely popular today.

Damon braces

The Damon System is a modern orthodontic innovation. “Damon” is the brand name for fixed braces without rubber bands. The highlight of Damon braces is the unique feature of the Damon bracket called “self ligated” brackets that has the door locks to open and close instead of using rubber. Easier to clean Damon braces can correct complex cases. Reducing the complexity of tying orthodontic wires with braces that easily wear out or dental wires that often pierce surrounding tissue reduces friction that controls the movement of teeth flexibly and allows the teeth to be moved to the desired position faster than general braces.

There are 2 types of Damon braces as follows :

  • Damon Q braces use silver metal brackets. When this type of braces is placed on the teeth. While smiling, talking, or laughing, the braces can be clearly seen
  • Damon Clear braces use dentin-colored or clear brackets. When placed on the teeth, the tools will not be clearly visible. Suitable for those who want a good personality during orthodontic treatment.

Who are Damon braces suitable for?

  • People with complicated dental problems, crowded teeth, spaced teeth, protruding upper or lower teeth, deep bites, open bites, crooked bites, crooked bites
  • People with narrow teeth and jaw problems. Because of Damon’s arrangement The wire is very flexible and helps expand the teeth well.
  • Children under 18 years of age who need braces but their jaw bones are still flexible. The Damon braces can expand both teeth and bones.

Damon Q  

Damon Clear

Orthodontics combined with jaw surgery

Malocclusion may be caused by jaw abnormalities. For example, the position or size of the upper and lower jaws are not related to each other. If jaw abnormalities are found during childhood, they might be corrected with tools that affect growth. of the jaw In patients with severe jaw abnormalities, the teeth may be misaligned and the face may look asymmetrical. It will be corrected with orthodontics combined with jaw surgery. Surgery is usually performed when the patient has stopped growing. It may be performed on one jaw only or both jaws and may also undergo chin augmentation surgery.

Procedure for orthodontics combined with jaw surgery.

Starting with a bite check, mouth impressions and x-rays like normal orthodontics, but when the dentist who provides dental treatment determines that the abnormality is caused by jaw bone. Your dentist will recommend options that include orthodontic treatment along with jaw surgery. So you should make an appointment to consult with the dentist who will perform the surgery (Oral and maxillofacial Surgeon) to plan your treatment. Estimate costs as well as asking various questions to provide information for deciding on choosing a treatment plan.

Orthodontic treatment combined with jaw surgery consists of 3 parts as follows :

  1. Presurgical Orthodontics : usually takes between 1 and 2 years and may require tooth extraction. If your teeth are overcrowded. Orthodontic treatment before surgery uses fixed braces to move the teeth in each jaw into positions relative to that jaw. Due to the abnormal bite, teeth naturally lean in a way that masks jaw abnormalities. Therefore, correcting the naturally lean and aligning the teeth to the correct position on each jaw before surgery often makes the pre-surgery bite and face look temporarily worse.
  2. Orthognathic Surgery : The dentist will take impressions of the mouth and x-rays again to simulate surgery on the teeth and prepare to make a mouth guard for use in the operating room. The patient will receive pre- and post-surgery preparation instructions from the dentist who performed the surgery. And patients usually need to recover for 1-3 days in the hospital. and continue to stay at home for another 2-4 weeks, depending on the dentist’s recommendation.
  3. Postsurgical Orthodontics :
    involves orthodontic treatment in detail to make the bite more perfect. Often a rubber band is used to pull the tooth together. And it usually takes about 6 months.

surgery may be performed first at the discretion of the medical team. and the difficulty of the case