Dental Implant

Dental implant surgery is a treatment to replace lost natural teeth.

Metal dental implants, shaped like screws, once the healing process is complete, can replace missing teeth in a way that closely resembles natural teeth.

Implants can replace the removable dentures or bridges that may be loose or ill-fitting and avoid preparing natural teeth to support a bridge surgical process to place an implant depending on the type of implant and the characteristics of the gum bone.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants are placed into the jawbone where natural tooth roots are missing and will support the artificial crown because dental implants are made from titanium metal or zirconia. Both types are compatible with the jaw bone.

Patients suitable for dental implants

  • lost one tooth or parts of the jaw
  • The jawbone has stopped growing.
  • There is a sufficient amount of bone for implant placement. Or you can have bone augmentation surgery.
  • Have good gum health.
  • There are no conditions that affect the healing of bone wounds.
  • Unable to use removable dentures.
  • Want to speak clearly.
  • Able to receive continuous treatment.
  • Don’t smoke

Caring for dental implants and natural teeth

  • Oral cleaning is just like natural teeth cleaning. Using a toothbrush between teeth to remove food particles and plaque around the teeth, gums and dental implants.
  • Follow up and see the dentist regularly to check your teeth and condition of the implant
  • Avoid risky behavior: Chewing hard food such as ice or cartilage. This can cause the crown to break. Avoid smoking or drinking tea, coffee, which will cause stains. If you have the habit of chewing your teeth or bruxism, you should see a dentist to prevent and correct this condition.

Dental Clinic We take care of implant patients. Both normal cases and complex cases
by a dentist specializing in dental implants and tooth placement.
Patients can therefore be confident in the treatment results.
and warranty for implant work that patients will receive the best treatment